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"Harlem Is Nowhere” is a short film directed and executive produced by Akil Gibbons that blends fictional noir-style scenes influenced by Gordon Parks and Ralph Ellison’s “The Invisible Man,” with real people, places, and events on Juneteenth during the covid-19 lockdown and BLM protests in rapidly gentrifying and disappearing Harlem.
"Harlem Is Nowhere” is a short film directed and executive produced by Akil Gibbons that blends fictional noir-style scenes influenced by Gordon Parks and Ralph Ellison’s “The Invisible Man,” with real people, places, and events on Juneteenth during the covid-19 lockdown and BLM protests in rapidly gentrifying and disappearing Harlem.
"Harlem Is Nowhere" - Short Film (COINTELPRO CUT)
Full Length film available HERE.